The president provides leadership, both administrative and technical to the Board and the WSLL members. The president represents the league in the District organization. Importantly, the president is the officer with whom Little League International maintains contact. The president presides at league meetings, represents the membership’s interest and assumes full responsibility for the operation of the local league. The president conducts the affairs of WSLL and executes the policies established by the Board.
- Assumes full responsibility for the operation of the local league.
- Ensures all league personnel are properly briefed on all phases of rules, regulations and policies of Little League.
- Works with city of Seattle officials for any contract or escalation issues.
- Organizes and runs, with assistance from the Secretary, the Annual Meeting.
- Arranges and presides at meetings of the Executive Committee as well as approves the final agenda from the Secretary.
- Prepares, in coordination with the Treasurer, and submits an annual budget to the Board of Directors and is responsible for the proper execution thereof.
- Makes necessary decisions when board is not in session if immediate and sets up time with the Executive Committee if consequential.
- Encourages and facilitates the participation of the membership on committees and facilitates coordination between board members.
- Appointment of Managers, Coaches, Umpires, and Committees.
- Subject to approval by the Board of Directors, appoints all managers, coaches, and umpires.
- Subject to approval by the Board of Directors, forms committees and appoints members.
The Vice Presidents of Baseball and Softball preside in the absence of the president, work with other officers and committee members, are ex-officio members of all committees, and carry out such duties and assignments as may be delegated by the President. The Vice Presidents provide leadership to the board and WSLL members. WSLL’s goal is to identify someone who is interested in taking over the President role, and use the coming year as a training opportunity.
The Vice Presidents of Baseball and Softball presides as President, with all powers and responsibilities of the President, in the absence or disability of the President.
- Assist the President in representing WSLL’s interests locally and nationally
- Is the defacto back-up when any board member is not able to fulfill their duty for a short period of time
- Lead the annual review of any bylaw changes
- Organize and run the Player Assessments
- Organize and runs the annual Jamboree
- Organize purchase of awards/trophies
- Provide approval of the Year End Picnic plan
- Carry out such duties and assignments as may be delegated by the President, including:
- Facilitating coordination between Board members
- Communicating between the Board and WSLL members
- Assisting President in organizing and running the Parents/Players Annual Meeting
- Review monthly financial and banking information
The secretary maintains a register of members and directors, sets the annual calendar, records the minutes of meetings, is responsible for sending out notice of meetings and maintaining a record of league's activities. The Secretary also coordinates communication between board members.
- Records the activities of WSLL and maintains appropriate files, communication lists, and other necessary records.
- Maintains a list of all WSLL members, by membership type.
- Attends each meeting of the Board, Executive Committee, and all-league meetings of WSLL or arranges, in advance, for another person to fulfill the Secretary’s responsibility at the meeting.
- Arranges for Board Meeting whether virtual or in a physical location including appropriate dial-in or pre-read materials.
- Keeps minutes of all Board meetings, Executive Committee meetings, and records minutes.
- Takes role at each meeting and determines whether a quorum is present to conduct business.
- Coordinates record keeping transition to newly elected Board.
- Prepares and submits annual non-profit corporation report to WA Secretary of State.
- Provides notice, and an agenda including time and location, for all Board meetings, committee meetings, and all-league meetings of WSLL. Notice shall be distributed at least 14 days in advance of the meeting.
- Sends roster of newly-elected officers and directors to Little League International within 30 days of the date of the Annual Meeting.
- Develops and maintains Board roster and private contacts list for distribution to the Board members only.
- Notes action items generated at each meeting and distributes a list of these items to all Board or Executive Committee members within a week of a meeting.
The Treasurer maintains all financial records of the WSLL by collecting, depositing, disbursing funds, paying authorized bills, and filing appropriate tax forms. The treasurer signs checks, dispenses league funds as approved by the Board, reports on the status of WSLL funds, keeps WSLL books and financial records, prepares budgets, and assumes the responsibility for all WSLL finances.
- Receives and deposits all moneys in a bank account approved by the Board.
- Disburse funds as approved by the Board.
- Keeps WSLL books and financial records, including a detailed and reconciled record of all moneys received and disbursed.
- Invoices sponsors and assists Sponsor Fundraising Director in ensuring invoices are paid.
- Submits all accounts for audit at the last meeting of the Executive Committee prior to the Annual Meeting of the WSLL.
- Compiles and submits tax forms to the Washington State Tax Board and the Federal Internal Revenue Service at the end of the fiscal year, December 31. (Sept 30 is end of fiscal year)
- Is responsible for all mail and distribution through our PO box.
- Prepares and submits to the President in November, a proposed annual budget.
- Revises and assists the President in presenting a final proposed budget for approval at the December Board meeting.
- Prepares and presents monthly financial reports to the Board.
- Prepares and presents an annual financial report covering the period from October 1 through September 30.
- Submits annual financial report to Little League International by the end of the calendar year, once approved by the Board.
(Baseball: Tee Ball, Coach Pitch, Rookies, Minors, Majors | Softball: Minors/Rookies & Majors/Juniors)
The player agent(s) conducts annual tryouts, is in charge of player selection, checks birth records and eligibility of players and generally supervises and coordinates the transfer of players to or from the WSLL leagues according to provisions of the regulations of Little League International.
- At the beginning of each fiscal year, the Lead Player Agent determines the # of player agents necessary for the Local League and which division they will represent.
- The player agent provides coordination and communication between the players and the Managers/Coaches. The player agent must not manage, coach or umpire in the division over which he/she has authority, unless WSLL obtains explicit written permission to allow this from Little League International.
- Organizes and runs registration, with assistance from the President.
- Conducts assessments for the Juniors, Majors, Minors and Rookies divisions as available.
- Conducts nomination and selection process for All-Star teams.
- Conducts the player draft, or team organization, for each division including any exception requests to Little League International.
- Manages the online registration process and ensures rosters are maintained on the WSLL website.
- Collects and retains materials documenting player age eligibility (birth certificates) and verifying residency (home address), prior to assessments or All-Star selection.
- Records and retains a record of all player transactions.
- Prepares team rosters, including players claimed and the tournament eligibility affidavit, for the President’s signature and submission to the District and Little League International.
- Ensures league rosters are uploaded to Little League International.
- Reviews annually the Player Code of Conduct.
- Administers the divisional player pools.
- Notifies Little League International of any subsequent player replacements or trades for All-Star teams.
The safety officer coordinates all safety activities including supervision of ASAP (A Safety Awareness Program), ensures safety in player training, ensures safe playing conditions, coordinates reporting and prevention of injuries, solicits suggestions for making conditions safer, and reports suggestions to Little League International through the ASAP system. Provides Coordination and Communication between Little League on all Safety matters.
- Coordinates all safety activities.
- Develops and implements a safety plan that distributes educational information, ensures compliance with safe practices, and ensures that any incidents are reported along with follow up medical or incident information.
- Communicates with Little League District and International on all safety rules, regulations, and incidents.
- Communicates to WSLL Board on all safety rules and regulations.
- Solicits suggestions for improving safety and reports suggestions to the Board through the league President.
- Prepares safety manual and submits to Little League International.
- Ensures that all required safety postings are posted.
- Ensures that all safety equipment is available and complete for all teams in conjunction with the Equipment Manager.
- Ensures that all Managers and Coaches are aware of all the safety requirements and safety rules during the managers/coaches meeting and reminders throughout the season.
- Ensures WSLL meets all safety standards.
The Coaching Director represents coaches/managers in WSLL and serves as their voice on the Board. The Coaching Director also identifies, designs, and schedules training programs for players, coaches, and managers.
- Prepares and presents a coach/manager training budget to the board.
- Uses funds approved by the Board to implement a league-wide training program for players, coaches, and managers.
- Orders and distributes training materials to players, coaches and managers.
- Schedules and develops a program for mini-clinics, as necessary.
- Helps implement as the manager-coach education program for WSLL.
- Handles all disciplinary actions with coaches as it relates to the Coaches Code of Conduct
The Marketing & Communications Director is the primary point of contact from WSLL to the general public and media and runs all marketing channels with a key focus on player acquisition to WSLL. The Marketing & Communications Director updates the public on key events for WSLL and creates recognition for the support of sponsors and fundraising activities.
- Manage the league's official website, Facebook and Instagram accounts
- Ensures WSLL news and scores are updated online on a regular basis.
- Communicates with the West Seattle Blog on key events.
- Distributes important information on WSLL activities including fundraising events, league information, and key calendar dates.
The Sponsor Fundraising Director secures sponsorships to support WSLL operations, and develops other fundraising opportunities as needed at the local, regional and national level.
- Manages all communication for sponsorship, including development of prospective sponsorship packages.
- Develops a sponsorship plan, including financial levels of sponsorship, for approval by the Board.
- By November, identifies a target goal for sponsorship and fundraising and WSLL expenditures needed to reach this goal.
- Pursues renewal of past sponsors.
- Seeks new sponsors with a focus broader than the local only area.
- Coordinates league-wide outreach for league support.
- Ensures sponsors are getting exposure through the production and placement of banners, and coordinates with the Communications
- Director to ensure sponsors are recognized on the WSLL website and in communications to local media.
- Introduces new methods of marketing for sponsorship and new fundraising opportunities.
- Ensures all sponsors are thanked and provided with proper assistance.
- Coordinates with Treasurer to invoice sponsors and ensure invoices are paid.
- Ensures any non local All-Star costs are covered by sponsorship and fundraising efforts
- Works with the E&I Director to insure a broad range of inclusive businesses are represented.
The Snack Shack is a critical part of the fund-raising needed to run the WSLL. The Concessions Director manages all components of the Snack Shack.
- Coordinates and trains “leads” to open and close the Snack Shack.
- Orders food and drinks to be sold and maintains an inventory of items.
- Coordinates with Parent Volunteer Director to ensure the Snack Shack is staffed for all games.
- Ensures all staff is trained.
- Ensures proper food handling is maintained.
- Ensures all sales are tabulated.
- Deposits all funds received from sales and reports deposits to the Treasurer. Coordinates with the Treasurer on any disbursements for inventory, equipment, or supplies.
- Develops a budget for the profitable operation of the Snack Shack.
- Works with the Parent Volunteer Director to roll-out the Junior Volunteer Program.
The Head Umpire is responsible for umpire training and scheduling. The Head Umpire represents WSLL with the Little League District and International on all issues pertaining to umpires.
- Facilitates training of all WSLL umpires.
- Develops, and submits for Board approval, a plan and budget for umpire recruitment and training.
- Develops or identifies, and manages, any professional umpire training clinics conducted for WSLL umpires, and coaches/managers.
- Works with coaches and managers to identify at least one person willing to umpire for each team.
- Be available to debrief after games if asked by those volunteer umpires who want an evaluation.
- Works with the Parent Volunteer Director to roll-out the Junior Volunteer Program
- Schedules umpires for all divisions of WSLL play.
- Schedules umpires for all league tournaments and makes recommendations to the district staff for tournament assignments at district, state and regional tournaments.
- Manages, as needed, any contracts or agreements with professional umpire organizations or paid umpires working as independent contractors.
- Serves as an active umpire in WSLL games.
- Assists all WSLL umpires.
- Establishes a dress code for volunteer umpires in WSLL.
- Attends all Little League District umpire meetings.
- Serves as a member of the protest committee and makes rulings on interpretations.
- Interfaces with WSLL Board on specific game situations, manager/coach situations/challenges.
The Fields Director manages fields of Bar-S, and coordinates with the City of Seattle on maintenance issues. The Director, and a smaller group of volunteers will maintain the fields at Bar-S ensuring their playability at the highest level.
- Serves as the point of contact with the Parks Department on scheduling required maintenance of fields.
- Communicates with Parks Department grounds crew for non-field work at Bar-S.
- Provides a budget, by December of each year, for the maintenance of Bar-S.
- Recruits and coordinates volunteers to help maintain the fields in coordination with the Parent Volunteer Director.
- Develop and implement a plan to recruit a limited group of volunteers to provide consistent maintenance of the fields.
The Scheduling Director schedules fields around West Seattle for practices, regular season games, post season games and All-Stars games. The Scheduling Director also assists in projecting the expected number of players each year to help ensure the appropriate amount of teams, managers, and fields are available to WSLL. This position also works in coordination with the Marketing & Communications Director for website related updates specific to game play and rosters.
- Reserves fields with Parks Department and Schools.
- Provides payment schedule to Treasurer.
- Provides all safety requirements to Safety Officer.
- Provides insurance requirements to Board.
- Assigns practice fields and game fields for all divisions of play.
- Provides schedule to the Board.
- Submits required documents to Parks Department for field reservations.
- Renews Bar-S Use Agreement Contract with the Parks Department when necessary as part of the larger contract.
- Arranges Banner Agreement with Parks Department.
- Arranges Sound System Use Agreement with the Parks Department.
- Submits Rental Agreement for WSHS with the Seattle School District.
- Ensures website accuracy for all teams, games and rosters.
The Uniforms Director is responsible for ensuring the proper uniforms are available for all WSLL teams baseball and softball teams both regular and post season.
- Inventories all uniforms at the beginning of each season.
- Develops, for approval of the Board, a budget for the purchase or replacement of uniforms for all divisions.
- Organizes and separates all uniforms.
- Orders new uniforms, if needed, consistent with the budget approved by the Board.
- Coordinates with the Treasurer to disburse funds for any new purchases.
- Assigns uniforms.
- Collects uniforms.
- Orders caps, socks and belts.
- Orders Umpire apparel.
- Orders All-Star apparel for the teams.
- Works with Fields Director to ensure efficient use of the WSLL Bar-S shed.
- The Equipment Director manages WSLL baseball, softball and safety equipment.
- Prepares and submits a budget to the Board for the annual purchase of equipment.
- Ensures that all equipment is in proper working shape and meets all safety standards.
- Inventories equipment and ensures it is secure.
- Works with the Safety Director to secure appropriate safety equipment for each team and to distribute the equipment to team managers.
- Ensures that there is enough equipment for each team.
- Purchases equipment, consistent with the budget approved by the Board.
- Coordinates with the Treasurer to disburse funds for equipment purchases.
- Distributes equipment to team managers in all divisions.
- Orders and distributes equipment for All-Star teams.
- Coordinates with team mangers to ensure return all equipment.
- Works with the Fields Director to ensure efficient use of the WSLL Bar-S shed.
The Parent Volunteer Director serves as the primary point of contact between individual designated team parent volunteers and WSLL and works closely with the Fields Director for on-going maintenance and the UIC and Snack Shack Director for implementation of the Junior Volunteer Program.
- Sends out all non-coaching league and team information to each team parent volunteer.
- Solicits and collects contact info for a team parent for each team.
- Ensures that all team parents understand their role as a team parent.
- Ensures that all team parents receive all of the required information put out by the Board.
- Coordinates participation in Mariners Little League Day, including collection of funds, ordering tickets, and distributing tickets.
- Plans and schedules picture day, and distributes pictures when received.
- Plans and coordinates End of Season picnic with Vice President and Concessions (Snack Shack) Director.
- Fields and finds answers to team parent questions posed during the season.
- Supports all Team Parent Volunteers.
- Works with all Board members to create volunteer sign-up activities specifically Fields Director and the Junior Volunteer Program.