For the latest All-Stars schedule and standings, check out the WSLL News page.



Each year, West Seattle Little League selects players to form All-Star teams that play in competitive tournaments against other Little Leagues during the summer. The tournaments progress from the district level (local), to state level, and for some, to regional and national levels. 

All-Stars is not merely an extension of the regular season nor is it a “sandlot’ style summer softball opportunity- this is a high level of play and WSLL is tasked to field the most competitive team it can at various age levels. 

The All-Star players serve as representatives of West Seattle Little League. They are selected by league managers, coaches, and peers based upon their demonstration of skill, sportsmanship, hard work, and character. 



Regular Season Play


10s team
(also known as 8-9-10 team )


Primarily 10 year olds who have played in AAA Minors or Majors during the regular season.

Some players who are age 9, and in rare circumstances league age 8, may also be selected. 8 year olds in AA Rookies are not eligible for All-Stars.

11s team
(also known as 9-10-11 team)


Primarily for league age 11-year-olds who have played in the Majors division during the regular season.

Some players who are league age 9 or 10 may also be selected.

12s/Majors team
(also known as 10-11-12 team)


Primarily for league age 12-year-olds who have played in the Majors division during the regular season.

Some players who are league age 10 or 11 may also be selected.

*Players can be considered for an older age group team by designating they are willing to “play up” on the opt-in form. More information in our FAQs.


Opt-in form will be emailed to Minors and Majors families. Players who do not opt-in by the deadline will not be considered for All-Stars.

Meet the minimum game requirements
Per Little League International rules, players must have played a minimum of 8 regular season games prior to All-Star selection.  If a player missed games due to injury or illness, they will need a doctor's note. 

Reside or attend school within league boundaries
Players must meet the criteria established by Little League’s “Residency and School Attendance Player Eligibility Requirement".
Meet the age and division requirements for the All-Star team.


The All-Star season length varies depending upon the team’s age and success.  Families should ensure that they are available for daily weekday practice and weekend games starting immediately following the regular season and through the end of July.  The 12s All-Star Team may play into August if they advance beyond the State Tournament.

100% attendance to all activities is expected:
  - Team events (Practices/team building/tournaments) generally occur 5 days per week, but can go 6-7 days per week for games and/or tournaments.
  - Practices are generally held in the afternoon/evening for 2+ hours.
  - Unless there is a compelling reason for an absence (ex: a wedding, a funeral, an urgent medical appointment), players are expected to attend all scheduled activities, including practices, team events, and tournaments.
  - Other sports commitments (including travel ball or other league play) and family vacations are not considered a valid reason to miss All-Star practice or activities.

Travel Considerations:
  - Tournament play is not limited to weekends and may require travel/overnight stays during the week.
  - Additional travel expenses may be required.  Hotel stays, meals, and other transportation costs are the responsibility of the player’s family.
  - However, it is West Seattle Little League’s policy that the cost of travel should not prohibit any player from having this opportunity. Consequently, the league may provide financial assistance, as necessary. Contact scholarships@westseattlelittleleague if you have additional questions.


The All-Stars Managers and Coaches are responsible for fielding a competitive team to play against other Little Leagues.  All Stars are selected through a voting process that includes peers, managers and coaches.  

Please see our FAQs below and our bylaws for a detailed outline of the All-Stars selection process.

Player selections will be based on:
- Character
– consistently demonstrating a spirit of fair play, integrity, adaptiveness, humility, confidence and perseverance whether winning or losing.
- Leadership – consistently demonstrating a positive attitude, hustle, cooperation, care for teammates on the field and in the dugout, and an overall commitment to the team.
- Skills and knowledge – consistently demonstrating strong regular season on-field performance, ability to compete, experience at various positions, and skill with batting, fielding, baserunning and situational awareness.
For players who did not opt-in, their name will NOT appear on any ballots. There are always questions from parents on this asking why their player was not on the ballot.


What does it mean to “play up” for All-Stars?
You may elect for your player to be considered for an older team during the opt-in process. Selecting that you are willing to “play up”  means  that you would be comfortable with your child playing on an All-Stars team above their league age. It is rare for players to play on teams above their league age team.  If they are not selected for a higher age group team, they will still be considered for their league age team. 

If my child is selected for the All-Stars team, what can we expect (practices and games)?
All-Star teams practice at least 5 nights a week with practice length times varying. There may also be some pre-tournament scrimmages in and outside of West Seattle leading up to a district tournament in late June or early July.  If the team wins districts, they will also play in a state tournament shortly thereafter.  

How much play time will my child get on the All-Stars team? 
Families and players should recognize that All-Stars Tournament play time is different from the regular season in West Seattle Little League. Every player on the roster bats in a continuous batting order. However, some players may see limited time in the field, as there are no minimum requirements for field time. With that said, everyone who makes the All-Star roster is on the team for a reason, and will be expected to fill a role and contribute in meaningful ways. 

How many players are selected for each team?
This will vary depending on the manager based on tournament playing rules. Typically, most managers form a team of 12-13 players.

Do the Jamboree games count towards the 8-game minimum for player eligibility?
No, the Jamboree games do not count towards the 8-game minimum. Only regular season regulation games count.

How are players selected for a team?
Players are selected through several different mechanisms:

(1) Player vote: all players in the Minors and Majors divisions will have an opportunity to vote for 3 players for selection to the All Star teams. The 3 players at each age level with the most votes are selected for that All Star Team.
Players in the Minors division will vote for the 10s All Star Team. Players in the Majors division will vote for the 11s and 12s All Star Teams. 

(2) Managers/coaches vote:  The manager and one primary coach for each team in the Minors and Majors divisions will vote, choosing from the remaining eligible players. Six players will be selected for the team through this process.

(3) All-Star Manager remaining players selection: The All-Star Manager will then select from the remaining eligible players to complete the team roster.

If my family already has a vacation planned during June/July, how would that affect All-Stars eligibility?
If your child would like to be considered for an All Star Team, please ensure that they will be available for practices, team-building activities, and games from June through the end of July. If you have planned trips and vacations during this timeframe, please do not opt-in for All-Stars. Please note that the 12s All Star Team may also compete into August if they advance beyond the State Tournament. 


Players who are selected for an All-Star team will be required to re-submit the following forms in order to determine their eligibility to participate in All-Stars:

1.  Player's Original Birth Certificate
2.  LLI Tournament Player Verification Form
3.  Medical Release Form
4.  School Enrollment Form, D II Waiver Form or 3 Proofs of Residency

All-Star committee

For questions on All-Stars, contact [email protected].

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